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    You have to stop making me drool at work. I love pineapple and fresh and ripe pineapple is SOOOOO hard to find (without an expensive trip to Hawaii).

    Trent Gilliss, Online Editor for Speaking of Faith

    I can't thank you enough. Each time I cut up a fresh pineapple I think to myself, "There has to be a smarter way, you clumsy oaf." And now I know there is.


    SC -- Maybe it's time to go to Hawaii...start an organic farm compound. There's an idea!

    Trend -- Amazing how fruit can make us feel that way. :) You may have felt like a clumsy oaf, but at least you were a clumsy oaf with a knife. I LOVE SOF, btw. Great job.


    Hey Vanessa, Nice post, as always.

    I keep forgetting to tell you that after four years in the Dole test kitchen and cutting hundreds of these spiky things up for countless food fairs, I have yet another way...Remind me to show you sometime! I love fresh pineapple, too, even after all of that overexposure and corporate pineapple-speak. Virginia

    Jaden, SteamyKitchen

    yummmm....just got some really good artisan honey from Vermont and haven't even used it yet. roasting w/pineapple would be perfecto.

    costa rica homes for sale

    I love pineapple

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