Crystallized ginger dipped into melted dark chocolate
[EDITOR'S NOTE: The words "chocolate-dipped" and "candied" signal special occassion, or more specifically, holidays, in my mind. This "recipe" is an example of making a virtue out of pantry necessity. Any dried fruit is worth dipping into chocolate. And when the chocolate is good, it's hard to beat. This recipe is perfect for those last its of random chocolate bars and the "bloomed" (white, dusty surface) of chocolate hanging around on your shelves. Even though it's a simple dip, keep the chocolate quality good. Bean-to-bar chocolate makers using good beans make a world of difference. And in a recipe like this where glory rests on the shoulders of two ingredients, it matters. Brands I like: Amano, Domori, Amedei, Patric, Valrhona and Pralus. Let them rest on the baking sheet and serve immediately. Once hardened you can wrap them into a plastic pouch in half dozen batches and call Christmas neighborly gift giving, good.]
One "simple" truth in the kitchen: simple is always good. Easy is not a cop-out. It's just reality. I pump my fist like Tiger Woods everytime I see a food writer put "Shopping is 50% of cooking," into print. Because it's so true. Buy a few good things and something, intuitively, can come together. Even when there are just two ingredients involved. In this case, crystallized (candied) ginger I bought for the holiday's gingersnaps and dark chocolate (because, well, do I really need an explanation for this one?)...
I agree, the ingredients are far more important than the preparation method. This sounds amazing!
Posted by: KalynsKitchen | 2010.11.29 at 04:51 PM